Methanabol 50 Tablets

Methanabol 50 Tablets

For Oral Administration
Composition: Methandienone
Dosage: 50 mg/tablet
Unit: 50 Tablets
Manufactured by British Dragon

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Methanabol 50 Tablets Detailed

Name: Methanabol 50 Tablets
Other common names and terms: Methanoplex, Encephan, Metandiabol, Metanabol, Perbolin, Metastenol, Naposim, Methandrostenolone, Lanabolin, Nerobol, Dianabolos, Trinergic, Restauvit, Danabol, Methanodex, Anabol, Dianoxyl, Methacaps, Dianabolic, Dianabol,Metandienone, Methanabol, Metabolina, Dbirol, Andoredan, Stenolon, Nabolin, D-bol, GP Methan, Methandienone, Nerobil, Methafurin, Dbol, Danabol DS, Metaboline, Pronabol
Active Life: 3.2-4.5 Hours
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Detection Time: 5-6 Weeks
Chemical Structure: 17α-Methyl-17β-hydroxyandrost-1,4-dien-3-one
Common Doses: 20 mg/day
Blood pressure: Yes
Acne: Yes
Water retention: High
Aromatisation: High
Liver toxicity: Yes
Decrease HPTA function: None

Methanabol 50, produced by British Dragon, contains the active substance Methandienone at a concentration of 50 mg per tablet, thoughtfully packaged in sachets. Commonly known as Dianabol, Methandienone is an oral anabolic steroid with a long history in the world of bodybuilding. It is renowned for its rapid onset of action, making it a popular choice for those seeking quick and significant gains in muscle mass and strength.

Main Effects

Methanabol 50 induces a spectrum of effects attributed to its anabolic nature. It promotes nitrogen retention and protein synthesis, contributing to accelerated muscle growth. Athletes often experience a rapid increase in strength, making it particularly appealing during bulking cycles. Methandienone enhances glycogenolysis, facilitating better utilization of carbohydrates for energy, further supporting intense workout sessions.

Additionally, Methanabol 50 can lead to increased red blood cell production, improving oxygen transport and endurance. The compound's affinity for the androgen receptor contributes to its anabolic effects, creating a positive environment for muscle development. You can buy Methanabol 50 in the USA at our online British Dragon Pharma store.

Methanabol 50 Cycle

Methanabol 50 is commonly incorporated into bulking cycles, where the goal is to maximize muscle mass and strength. A typical dosage ranges from 20 to 50 mg per day, with some experienced users pushing towards higher dosages for enhanced results. For instance, a beginner's cycle might involve 20 mg per day for 6-8 weeks, while a more advanced user might opt for 50 mg per day.

Methanabol 50 is often used at the beginning of a steroid cycle to kickstart muscle growth. It can be stacked with other anabolic steroids like testosterone or decabol for a synergistic effect. A sample bulking cycle might include Methanabol 50 at 30 mg per day for the first 6 weeks, along with testosterone at a moderate dosage. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to restore natural hormone production, and a standard PCT protocol might involve the use of Clomiphene or Tamoxifen.

Side Effects

While British Dragon's Methanabol 50 can yield substantial gains, users should be mindful of potential side effects. Common side effects may include water retention, which can lead to bloating, and increased blood pressure. Methandienone is known for its aromatization, converting to estrogen, which may result in gynecomastia and other estrogen-related issues. Hepatotoxicity is another concern with oral steroids, and users should monitor liver function throughout the cycle.

Prolonged usage or excessive dosages may impact lipid profiles, emphasizing the need for regular health check-ups. As with any potent anabolic steroid, consultation with a healthcare professional is advisable, especially for those with pre-existing medical conditions or concerns about potential interactions with other medications.


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