NPP 150 NPP 150 NPP 150

NPP 150

55.00 USD

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Dosage: 150 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by Dragon Pharma

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NPP 150 Detailed

Name: NPP 150
Other common names and terms: DuraJect, Nandronit D, Decatrex, Decabolic, Duraxyl, Deca-Durabolin, Grodec, Pharma Nan P, Durabol, Myobolin, Decaplex, Nandrodex, Decabol, Durobolic, Pylodec, Nitrobol, NPP, Durabolin,Deca, Newdec, Axidrol, Nandrobolin, Decos, Gemdec, Decaver, Synobol, Deca-Duralin, Therabol, Superanabolon,Nandroxyl, Growdeca, Zebol, Nandrolona, Cheribol
Active Life: 2-3 Days
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester; Progestogen
Detection Time: 11-12 Months
Chemical Structure: (17ОІ)-3-Oxoestr-4-en-17-yl 3-phenylpropanoate
Common Doses: 200-700 mg/week
Blood pressure: No
Acne: Rarely
Water retention: Low
Aromatisation: Low
Liver toxicity: Low
Decrease HPTA function: Moderate

NPP 150, crafted by Dragon Pharma, is a pharmaceutical formulation available in a 10 mL vial, with Nandrolone Phenylpropionate as the active ingredient at a concentration of 150 mg per mL. Nandrolone Phenylpropionate is a fast-acting variant of the popular anabolic steroid Nandrolone, offering bodybuilders a quicker onset of action and a shorter overall half-life.

Main Effects

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, due to its rapid action, allows users to experience accelerated anabolic effects. The primary benefits include enhanced nitrogen retention, increased protein synthesis, and improved collagen synthesis. These properties contribute to muscle growth, joint health, and the potential for a more rapid recovery between workouts.

Athletes often appreciate the increased red blood cell production associated with NPP 150, as it can enhance endurance and oxygen delivery to muscles. You can buy NPP 150 in the USA at our online British Dragon Pharma store.

NPP 150 Cycle

In bodybuilding, NPP 150 is frequently incorporated into cutting or bulking cycles. For a cutting cycle, a typical dosage might range from 300 to 600 mg per week, while in a bulking cycle, dosages may go up to 800 mg weekly. Due to its short ester, NPP 150 requires more frequent injections, typically every other day. It is often stacked with testosterone for a synergistic effect, and the length of a cycle can vary from 8 to 12 weeks. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is crucial to restore natural testosterone production.

Side Effects

While Dragon Pharma's NPP 150 is considered relatively well-tolerated, users may still experience side effects common to anabolic steroids. These can include and are not limited to acne, increased body hair growth, and mild cardiovascular effects. The risk of estrogenic side effects is lower compared to longer-acting Nandrolone esters, but it is not entirely eliminated. Regular monitoring and adherence to recommended dosages, along with proper PCT, are essential to mitigate potential side effects and ensure a safer bodybuilding experience. As with any steroid use, individual response and tolerance can vary, necessitating careful attention to personal health and wellbeing.

NPP 150 Lab Test Result

npp 150 lab test result

npp 150 lab tes results 2024-05-16


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