Boldabol Forte

Boldabol Forte

89.00 USD

For Intramuscular Injection
Composition: Boldenone Undecylenate
Dosage: 300 mg/1 mL
Unit: 10 mL Multidose Vial
Manufactured by British Dragon Pharmaceuticals

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Boldabol Forte Detailed

Name: Boldabol Forte
Other common names and terms: Boldoject, Bold 200, Boldenone 250, Bolden, Boldebolin, Equiplex, Equipose,Boldenone, Equidex, Boldaxyl, Boldo, Bolde, EQ, Pharma Bold, Ganabol, Boldabol, Boldenon
Active Life: 14 Days
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Detection Time: Up to an year
Chemical Structure: (17ОІ)-3-Oxoandrosta-1,4-dien-17-yl undec-10-enoate
Common Doses: 300-1000 mg/week
Blood pressure: No
Acne: Rarely
Water retention: Low
Aromatisation: Low
Liver toxicity: Low
Decrease HPTA function: Moderate

Boldabol Forte is an injectable anabolic steroid produced by British Dragon, containing Boldenone Undecylenate as the active substance at a concentration of 300 mg per 10 mL vial. Renowned for its oil-based formulation, Boldabol Forte offers a sustained release of Boldenone Undecylenate, a derivative of testosterone. This formulation enhances its anabolic effects, providing bodybuilders with a versatile compound for both bulking and cutting cycles.

Main Effects

The primary effects of Boldabol Forte stem from Boldenone Undecylenate's anabolic properties. It stimulates protein synthesis, facilitating the growth of lean muscle tissue, and enhances nitrogen retention, promoting a positive nitrogen balance crucial for muscle development. Boldabol Forte is appreciated for its ability to provide steady and quality gains in muscle mass without excessive water retention.

Additionally, the steroid promotes the production of red blood cells, improving oxygen delivery to muscles and enhancing endurance. Athletes often report improved vascularity and muscle definition, contributing to a more sculpted physique. Due to its extended half-life, Boldabol Forte is suitable for longer cycles, ensuring sustained anabolic effects. You can buy Boldabol Forte in the USA at our online British Dragon Pharma store.

Boldabol Forte Cycle

Boldabol Forte is commonly integrated into bodybuilding cycles for its favorable anabolic profile. A typical cycle might involve a weekly dosage ranging from 600 to 900 mg, administered in 2 to 3 injections for optimal blood level stability. For instance, an intermediate user might choose 750 mg per week of Boldabol Forte for a 12-week cycle. This steroid is versatile and can be used in both bulking and cutting stacks.

In a bulking stack, it might be combined with compounds like testabol enanthate and methanabol for substantial muscle and strength gains. In a cutting stack, it could be paired with stanabol or oxanabol for a leaner and more defined physique. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is essential to restore natural testosterone production, and ancillary medications may be used during the cycle to manage estrogenic side effects.

Side Effects

While British Dragon's Boldabol Forte is considered a milder steroid, users should be mindful of potential side effects associated with its androgenic and estrogenic properties. Androgenic side effects such as acne, increased facial and body hair growth, and potential hair loss in genetically predisposed individuals may occur, but they are generally less pronounced compared to stronger androgens.

Estrogenic side effects, including water retention and gynecomastia, may necessitate the use of aromatase inhibitors or selective estrogen receptor modulators during the cycle. Boldenone Undecylenate is known to cause a mild increase in appetite, which some users may find advantageous for bulking cycles but should be managed to avoid excessive weight gain. Regular health check-ups and consultation with a healthcare professional are recommended to ensure safe and effective usage.


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