is the second time I tried buying online. Before this I always bought gear from athletes I train with and trust. After moving to a new area where I don't know anyone yet I thought I'd give it a try.
Customer Support
Great. I received an email and a tracking number 2 days after sending the WU
Shipping Speed
Very Discreet
Shipping Speed
The quality is what I expect from a good product. 3 1/2 weeks in and all systems are go. Sex drive and mental focus are up. Aggression during training sessions is increased. Recovery time is improving and with less creaky joints. It's worth mentioning that I caught the flu and was sick for 4 days a week after starting.I'm a 40 year old guy that has competed at the highest levels of martial arts. I'm currently training for an ironman triathlon and beating up guys at the gym that are 15-20 years younger. The products are for recovery and mojo as I don't really train for size or strength
To order products from us, you have to be at least 21 years of age. takes no responsibility for confirming the importation requirements and regulations of the purchase and the purchaser's country of origin. All products are shipped at the full risk of the purchaser in agreement of our site reserved towards any legal action that might be brought against the purchaser if not acting in accordance with the regulations and importation laws of the destination country.
Suggestions is the second time I tried buying online. Before this I always bought gear from athletes I train with and trust. After moving to a new area where I don't know anyone yet I thought I'd give it a try.