Been using BD for years now with probably around 20 orders. Only problems I've had was a lost pack two times which were both promptly replaced, and that deal a while back where everyone's stuff got delayed for like 6 months or more. I was one of them. Don't know what some people do to get allegedly scammed or whatever, but I've always had good service from BD. But I don't flip out on the boards, reps and BD themselves when my shit doesn't show up in 10 days. If it takes more than 4 weeks, I politely ask a rep to check on it.
Customer Support
Amazing what being a nice guy can get you. Some of you all need to chill the fuck out.
Shipping Speed
Most recently, I received the order in just over 2 weeks (2-4 is typical) and everything was there.
Shipping Speed
Been using products for 2 weeks now and the BD Oxydrol has my strength way up (feelsgoodman), and my weight up 13 lbs already (love drol).
To order products from us, you have to be at least 21 years of age. takes no responsibility for confirming the importation requirements and regulations of the purchase and the purchaser's country of origin. All products are shipped at the full risk of the purchaser in agreement of our site reserved towards any legal action that might be brought against the purchaser if not acting in accordance with the regulations and importation laws of the destination country.
Been using BD for years now with probably around 20 orders. Only problems I've had was a lost pack two times which were both promptly replaced, and that deal a while back where everyone's stuff got delayed for like 6 months or more. I was one of them. Don't know what some people do to get allegedly scammed or whatever, but I've always had good service from BD. But I don't flip out on the boards, reps and BD themselves when my shit doesn't show up in 10 days. If it takes more than 4 weeks, I politely ask a rep to check on it.