This is review is for my 2nd cycle from an order that I placed a few months back
Customer Support
Very little communication needed. The communication that was needed was handled and responded to very promptly
Shipping Speed
Shipping was fast and the packing was very discrete
Shipping Speed
BD Anavar, BD Tbol, BD Test E, BD Clomid. The quality of the all the BD products is as good as any other companies in my opinion. This was a short 8 week cycle but started seeing and feeling results by the end of the 1st week. Vascularity was insane and my gains by end of cycle were very solid. Gained 11lbs and maintained 9lbs after pct. British Dragon was great and will continue to do business
To order products from us, you have to be at least 21 years of age. takes no responsibility for confirming the importation requirements and regulations of the purchase and the purchaser's country of origin. All products are shipped at the full risk of the purchaser in agreement of our site reserved towards any legal action that might be brought against the purchaser if not acting in accordance with the regulations and importation laws of the destination country.
This is review is for my 2nd cycle from an order that I placed a few months back