BD is on of the most reliable international sources with a down right amazing product selection
Customer Support
Everything is automated on British Dragon gears website including a tracking number so there is really no need to ever contact them.
Shipping Speed
BD has some of the best international shipping. Packs usually arrive in under 14 days. All items are extremely well packaged and even when ordering all amps I have never recieved a broken product.
Shipping Speed
BD sust is hands down the best sust I have used. It pinned so smooth. Ran it at 750mg per week and by week four I was exhibiting all the signs I get with good test. Oily skin. Increased aggression and libido. Increased acne. And at least for me there is always a peace of mind I get from using genuine pharma products. The Dragon Pharma Superdrol was a great product. Strength gains sky rocketed and I put on a solid ten lbs in three weeks. I had planned to run it a little longer but it made me very lethargic even when I dropped dose. BD gear has the best selection of products matched with reliability and that's why I keep coming back to them
To order products from us, you have to be at least 21 years of age. takes no responsibility for confirming the importation requirements and regulations of the purchase and the purchaser's country of origin. All products are shipped at the full risk of the purchaser in agreement of our site reserved towards any legal action that might be brought against the purchaser if not acting in accordance with the regulations and importation laws of the destination country.
BD is on of the most reliable international sources with a down right amazing product selection